Dr. Maria grazia parisi

Dr. Maria Grazia Parisi is a medical doctor, psychotherapist, and developer of the FastReset® technique. She has been working as a therapist for over 25 years using psychotherapy, complementary medicine and rapid emotional release techniques to successfully treat patients suffering from emotional and psychosomatic issues.


An acclaimed author and speaker, Dr. Parisi gives frequent trainings in her field and is invited to speak in leading medicine and psychology forums. She collaborates with professional journals, radio, and tv programmes.  


For a detailed profile see here.



Her latest books (italian language only)





Guarisci il tuo passato, cambia il tuo futuro


(Heal your past and change your future!)


Sperling & Kupfer ed. 





La Soluzione FastReset®


(The FastReset® Solution)


Sperling & Kupfer ed. 





Dimagrire con il FastReset®


(Slim down with FastReset®)


Sperling & Kupfer ed. 





FastReset® - Il metodo rapido di guarigione emotiva


(FastReset® - The Rapid Method for Emotional Healing)


Sperling & Kupfer ed.