This website is dedicated to FastReset®, a powerful, groundbreaking technique that quickly and gently transforms negative emotions and clears traumas.
I spent several years developing and testing the FastReset® method. It's been incredibly useful in my personal life and in my work with countless suffering patients.
Now I want to share it with the largest possible audience.
FastReset® can be extremely useful for anyone who wants freedom from old patterns causing them emotional pain and limiting their self-expression. Even more, FastReset® is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to develop higher levels of insight and self-awareness.
Dr. Maria Grazia Parisi - Medical doctor and psychotherapist
The FastReset® method is easy to use, including on oneself. The basic technique is meant for personal use only and can be learned by reading my book and related articles. For professional use, it is imperative to attend one of my trainings.
Any use of the FastReset® name and/or brand for professional purposes without the required training and/or my prior written consent will be prosecuted by law.
Under no circumstances should FastReset® replace or arbitrarily support medical and psychological diagnosis or treatment.
No experimental data are currently available for a scientific validation of its effectiveness.
Positive results cannot be guaranteed and side effects can’t be excluded.
Anyone using the FastReset® technique as taught in my books and courses must accept that its use is carried out under their sole responsibility.