fastreset® Entry-level course

The Entry-Level Course covers the basic principles of FastReset®, its main applications, an overview of self-treatment techniques, and an introduction to using the technique on others.

The Entry-Level Course is also a great opportunity to practice the technique on oneself and fellow participants. 


The course is held in English by Dr. Maria Grazia Parisi. The course material is available in German and English.


No specific experience or professional skills are needed to take the Entry-Level course, the only requirement being the willingness to work on oneself.


  • Physiology of emotions
  • Connection between body and emotions   
  • Neurobiological outline and introduction to the technique 
  • Focusing, integrating, and releasing emotions
  • Simple mode
  • Partial integration mode
  • Complete integration mode
  • Basic protocols 
  • Identifying and treating resistance points
  • Sample situations and examples of treatment